Origin: | Ulna (posterolateral surface of middle shaft) Interosseous membrane |
Insertion: | Thumb (base of distal phalanx, dorsal side) |
Innervation: | Cervical root(s): C7 and C8 Nerve: radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch) |
Grading of muscle strength:
Grade | Strength | Description |
5* | Normal | Normal strength |
4* | Good | Movement against external resistance but less than normal |
3 | Fair | Movement against gravity but not against added resistance |
2 | Poor | Movement at the joint with gravity eliminated |
1 | Trace | Trace of contraction but no movement at the joint |
0 | Zero | No contraction or muscle movement |
*The distinction between Grades 4 and 5 is based on comparison with the normal hand and, barring that, extensive experience in testing the hand. |
Position of patient's hand and upper extremity
- Forearm in mid-position, wrist in neutral with ulnar side of hand resting on the table. Thumb in a flexion posture. Some suggest that for Grades 0–2, the patient places his/her forearm in pronation with wrist in neutral and thumb in relaxed position to start.
Examiner’s Actions
- Use a table to support the ulnar side of the patient’s hand and stabilize the proximal phalanx of the thumb. Apply resistance over the dorsal surface of the distal phalanx of the thumb in the direction of flexion. Some suggest that for Grades 0–2, the examiner should stabilize the patient’s wrist over its dorsal surface and then stabilize the patient’s fingers by gently placing them on the other hand across the fingers just below the metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint.
Instructions for the patient
- “Straighten the end of your thumb. Hold it. Don’t let me push down.”
- Some suggest for Grades 0–2: “Straighten the end of your thumb.”